Community Standards
The University of Kansas Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life (SFL) Community Standards Program exists to improve the fraternity and sorority experience at KU. Adherence to these Community Standards is a requirement of all chapters affiliated with the Interfraternity Council, Multicultural Greek Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council and Panhellenic Association and is a condition of maintaining recognition as a SFL organization by the university and registration as a student organization through the Student Engagement Center (SEC). Although it is the responsibility of the leadership of each chapter to meet Community Standards, documentation of these standards is a coordinated effort between each chapter, their respective governing council, and the SFL staff.
The purpose of the SFL Community Standards Program is to improve the management and quality of fraternities and sororities at KU by outlining a clear, but comprehensive, set of standards that each chapter must attain to maintain recognition as a SFL organization. Community Standards are also intended to:
- Provide an annual evaluation tool that fraternities and sororities can utilize for self-evaluation purposes and receive recognition for meeting Community Standards.
- Empower the SFL community to be part of the decision-making process in determining how they wish to function within the greater university community. The intent of the SFL Community Standards process is to provide a framework by which councils can quantify and document their respective chapter’s performance for the purposes of recognition as well as increased accountability.