Panhellenic Association
PHA Chapters
Click on each of our NPHC chapters to learn more about them!

PHA Recruitment
There are two ways to join a Panhellenic organization.
The most common way is through Fall Formal Recruitment (FFR) which is held in August. Below are the dates for the Fall 2024 Recruitment Schedule:
Registration: June 1- July 31
Move-In and PNM Orientation: August 17
Open House Round: August 18-19
Philanthropy Round: August 20-21
Sisterhood Round: August 22
Preference Round: August 23
Bid Day: August 24
All chapters participate in Fall Formal Recruitment. Students will participate in a mutual selection process where throughout the week they will select chapters they are interested in attending each day, and chapters will do the same. Throughout the week, students will narrow down their choice until hopefully, at the end of the week, they receive a bid, or invitation to membership, from one organization. Typically, there are 800-1,000 students that participate in Fall Formal Recruitment each year. To learn more, check out this year's PHA Experience Day Webinar:
Another way to join a Panhellenic chapter is through 'Continuous Open Recruitment' (COR) through the Fall and Spring semesters. Continuous Open Recruitment, also known as COR, is an informal recruitment that will begin immediately after Bid Day of Fall Formal Recruitment. Continuous Open Recruitment will end on stop day of the fall semester and remain on the first day of the spring semester. Anyone is eligible for COR if they are a current full-time student at the University of Kansas and have not signed an MRABA since the last formal recruitment. It is important to note that not all chapters participate in this recruitment process.
The best way to get engaged with this process is through the Panhellenic Interest Form on their website or by reaching out directly to chapters they are interested in joining.
More information can be found on the Panhellenic website below or on specific chapter Instagram pages.
Social Links

Contact KU Panhellenic Association
For questions, contact KU Panhellenic Association at